Batteries Products


Al shfaq is a leading ACDelco distributor. Al shfaq carries a large inventory of ACDelco parts for trucks and vans including Alternators, Oil Filters, Air Filters, Transmission Filters, Spark Plugs, Flashers, Distributor & Fuel Caps, AC Compressors, Tune-up and Electrical parts. ACDelco is a global leader in automotive replacement parts and related services and offers quality aftermarket products for all makes and models, including Ford, Chrysler, General Motors, Toyota and Honda, plus some original equipment replacement parts. ACDelco products can be found in more than 100 countries located on six of the seven continents and are sourced globally to meet the needs of the local markets, including “maintenance” parts commonly replaced during the lifetime of a vehicle (e.g., batteries, oil filters, air filters, wiper blades, shocks and brakes), as well as “repair” parts (e.g., alternators, radiators, chassis and heating/cooling components). As of February 2007, ACDelco offers more than 100,000 parts across 37 product lines.


Amaron believes in influencing and improving the quality of life by building institutions that provide better access to better opportunities, goods and services to people all the time. With innovative engineering, research and design, Amaron has grown with partnerships and information sharing with world leaders. Amaron is commited towards latest generation technologies by developing and manufacturing globally competitive, customer focused products of world class quality and responsibly introducing these products into relevant markets.